CROWD-PULLER: Gill Gibbon and Elaine Munson, of Abbey Walk Gallery, with Amanda Cruickshank, the owner of the Van Gogh portrait, and Nils Wieland, who visited from Amsterdam.
ABBEY Walk Gallery in Grimsby attracted interest from Amsterdam during a special Van Gogh visit.
Nils Wieland travelled from the Netherlands to Grimsby specifically to visit the now famous portrait of the artist painted by the French talent Jeanne Donnadieu in 1886, his neighbour in Paris at that time.
Please do not put a top hat on that young woman on the left, excuse me, my other left, in other words, THE RIGHT looking like she is holding her young child when srcewing your eyelid down as Vincent would tell you to be able to see. You haft to imagine her complete head and face is a flower on a hat covering her hair as she is kissing her child she is holding. do not feel bad if you can not see this one for most can't.
You can put that top hat on that artist dude named Vincent and cover up the whole top half of that body to see the supposed graduate standing on the LEFT with his hand on his hip and his elbow pointing straight at you.
You can see the boots match the pair on the right in the painting above.
Oh them books,.. so easy for me to read.
You can see the same colors in those fictitious looking books in the shoulder lace as in the books in the above picture. It seems to me as though the colors are making up a face to go with that gloved hand that Vincent every so often included into his works. He was kind of a sly little guy and could sneak up on you.
Jeanne Donnadieu
If you look at the signature on the painting above you might be able to read what Vincent would call one of his trick signatures. Now you asked yourself just why in the hell would Vincent be using trick signatures? This was an agreement between Theo and Vincent. What Vincent was to sell on his own would not be signed unless fictitiously. This is a portrait below and a signature of this working party girl and the name she used as a working girl there in Paris.
Vincent knew her as a friend and acquaintance and maybe paid her a little to model for him. Vincent added these names of hers to these works as if she were the artist. They were to be sold as the name of the so-called artist at the Tambourine art show. Anybody in their right mind by looking at her and knows Vincent would knows and can tell what her profession really was. Let just say if she put on her mask for you, more than likely you would think you ran into her some place before on one of your own drunken outings and hoping that you didn't catch something. Now that's another part of this story coming up.
They lived right next door to each other in small apartments that made it rather handy for having a model close by for his art works. She worked as a cocktail gal for the Tambourine bar and restaurant where Vincent had a lot of his works of art hanging for sale. Vincent and Theo were not living together and weren't really getting along very well more than likely caused by those assholes colleagues working with his brother Theo. The Tambourine bar manager,.. that sweet Italian thing named Agostina Segatory that Vincent fell head over hills for which was his own brothers Theo used to be fling. This was before Vincent came back to Paris to stay with Theo. Imagine that, and believe it or not I'm going to put up an oil painting of her painted by Vincent. Oil on canvas of that little witchy bitch believe it or not. That one single Italian woman stole most all of his paintings that weren't sold before Vincent having to get out of town before doing something real crazy. This was when Vincent decided he had better leave Paris if he wanted to live, before leaving Paris for the south of France.
Hi everyone, I would like for you all to know this little fact about this oil painting on canvas signed Yost or Gost what ever,.. a very interesting little story. When I bought this painting from the eBay auction seller "the artman" from a California based seller on eBay back in the year 1998. I was literally thrown off eBay in less than two hours after the close of the auction about 8:00 P.M. that evening for being accused of being a art shill for the artman.
This is so f-n weird, but right after my purchase and of winning the item, I get an email from a gal who works for eBay telling me she works in Pics for eBay and she was bidding on that painting of the gal in blue that I had just out bid her on. She ask me if she could just have that painting and for me to let her have the winning bid on it because it was the spitting image of her. She said she lost it to me in the last ten seconds and couldn't increase her bid. She said she would send me her's and her husband's wedding picture to prove it to me.
I then emailed her back that I had purchased it because I really wanted it and if I ever decided to sell it I would make it available to her first at what I wanted for it before selling it to a new buyer. I did not mention the fact that I knew who the artist was and that she had better be one rich what ever if she ever wanted to be its owner. That is why I didn't raise too much hell with eBay because I didn't want the artman cancelling the sale for any reason.
What happened was an hour or so after emailing her I went to get back on eBay and I couldn't log in, or access my account Art-zee. It said I was no longer a member of eBay that I was thrown off for being a shill and it would have to go through a mediator for me to be re-instated as a member. If I were to be reinstated it would take approximately 3 to 4 weeks for me to prove my case and that I wasn't the artmans shill. That is why I didn't raise to much hell with eBay because I didn't want the artman cancelling the sale for any reason. The Bitch that tried get the painting I had won had thrown the artman off ebay also. It did take him a little longer to be reinstated and he couldn't understand himself why and what had just taken place and I never told him the full story why she had thrown him off eBay.
I then immediately emailed Meg Ryan the owner of eBay at that time along with her associates. I told them the whole story of the complete happening the way it went down and the Bitches email address there at [email protected]. I also mentioned that I was going to sue the hell out of eBay and that I would more than likely become their new partner. The next morning I was back on line with eBay along with their apology for this ms-understanding. I heard that I was the fastest anyone had ever been reinstated on eBay.

The painting in the book on the left of my own little colored drawing of Vincent is the one that had this x-ray below found under its paint, performed by the VvG Foundation. The one I bought was way before they discovered this image under their own painting that they now refused to talk about since I brought out my own painting to compare to their x-ray image.
Do any of you see this remarkable resemblance of the van Gogh Foundation x-ray of the Vincent 1888 painting of Agostina Segatory, painted in Arles, France?

Here above is a drawing of Vincent's with her drawn in it ready to unlock her business door with her cop boy-friend just behind her.
Jeanne Donnadieu
| have seen the pastel it is hanging in the Usher Gallery Lincoln England at the moment. At first impression it seams of little artistic significance or skill. Until I realized it was a portrait of Van Gogh that was not after Toulouse-Lautrec pastel drawing of him. Or is it after his self portraits were he stylizes himself. The pastel shows him as a rather light build pale man that you would not look twice at on the street. Yet looking at the view of the background the artist has made the papers on the desk start to swirl and twirl with lighter less precise marks as seemingly as a hint to energy that Van gogh was to paint in his work. It has set a Madeira of question in motion as to the depth of their conversations and her burgoening understanding of what drive such a artist a Van Gogh and her artistic interpritation. For me it was no great peice of are but a very rare image of someone who has been reinvented over time and the porrait hints at the real Van Gogh.
This is a print she is holding of her original art work she owns.
This is Amanda Cruickshank, the owner of the Van Gogh portrait and I want to say self-portrait of Vincent van Gogh. That explanation will come a little later, anyway it will not reflect on her own beliefs, just my own opinion of who the artist was and why so much mystery about this work of art.
This portrait above and below has been a van Gogh before anybody really cared who in the hell painted it, while it being painted in 1886-7 in Paris France when Vincent was living there. Vincent never really got along with Theo his brother all that much when living with him. Vincent made himself scarce, for when around Theo, it seemed to Vincent he always make him prickle and tingle when he was around him. Vincent felt better about staying away, at a little distance so to not cause these problems.
While in Paris, since Theo wasn't selling any of Vincent's works, Vincent would sell some and trade others, not signed of course, to help with expenses, or he'd could loose his brothers help from their earlier agreement they made with each other at the old mill. This was made before Vincent becoming an artist for his bother Theo to manage him and his works he'd produce at the beginning of his artistic career. This is the reason why Vincent would send all his best works of art to his brother as his art dealer and handler and would remind him almost always of their agreement by the ending of his letters,... "with a hand shake a due, your brother Vincent".
I don't really think I haft to elaborate to much about who I think this guy happened to be that Vincent had painted his portrait of. Just maybe an acquaintance of his and I guess also of Vincent's model that lived close to him in her own apartment. Vincent was actually having a hard time making ends meet so he found himself a job working for a photographer their in Paris. I'm not really to sure on Vincent's and his bothers Theo's situations of their agreement, but I do know it was awfully strained at times and there was not much Vincent was producing for his brother Theo the art dealer and handler at that time.
The first picture is on the left of a composite drawing of Jack the ripper by a supposed eye witness there in London at the time of the first murders. The other is an age reduction of old man who had died and is a good suspect that they think could have been Jack the Ripper. It tell of how he had came to the USA and supposedly committed the same kind of murders. You be the judge of that, but I like my own theory better and like I say, it looks rather doubtful that it could be Jack the Ripper who they think he is in doing that supposed bad job on the age reduction that they think is a dead ringer. The hats kind of looks the same but you can't sway a jury with that. Well anyway give my man Jack a hair cut and shave his chin while putting that hat on his head, and bingo, what do you have?
There is a large full photograph of her semi-nude more than likely taken by Vincent when he work at the photography studio in Paris. One of Vincent's jobs that he had was painting and enhancing large wedding photos on tin or digerati type photos . Vincent did make money despite what is said, but we all know where the money went,.... for more paint supplies
Anyway by Jack The Ripper killing these prostitutes and the removal of body parts and the braking of bones surely helped in one of the murders to where the people who knew him would not put it together, and she wouldn't be recognizable to any that knew her. The gals face was mutilated beyond recognition and dissected apart pretty well and positioned in some kind of a pose to where most would not even be able to look to recognize her if they even knew who she was. Let us just assume this could have been Jeanne Donnadieu. She might have ran away from Jack in Paris for some reason or another by going back home to London and taking back her real name in stead of her stage name.
As most know by reading of these crimes and of the killing of these women, they were not attack sexually to where they were raped, but only killed for being prostitutes. It was kind of like a vendetta, say like for contracting at that time an incurable disease like syphilis, and then putting the blame only on the women of the profession. Anyway this would surly explain why and where this lost little lassie had gone to and never to be heard of again. I'd say Agostina could definitely had a hand in selling these works and maybe for entering them into art exhibits as them being hers, knowing who painted them. Her painting by Vincent is signed Gost or Yost and more that likely one of Vincent's trick signatures.
Signed Ago Agustin
And there they be under that mulberry tree.
Cheers! The new information will be coming later and hopefully shortly of what I believe. Still more coming in a couple of day,... I've have a more important obligation right now, so I'll be getting back later.
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