Some say Breakfast in bed makes one healthy and wise, but don't ask her if they had a sexual relationship, for she would tell you how it really was.

It is said they met in Paris, became good friends, and then took an interest in each others work.
Here is the main answer for a few who are probably wondering as I did after maybe seeing a few art films and documentaries about these two artists. You ask yourselves about their relationship as a whole. It definitely show how Degas own style and some of his own idiosyncrasies had found there way into a few of Mary's supposed own works of art. It was like Degas' hand actually was there helping with the application of the medium used on her canvas with his own arm and hand coming around from her backside. The biggest question I had and still having myself was what it was that influenced Degas to help Mary Cassatt all that much in creating her art work.
!n one of Degas Documentaries is where I heard someone ask Mary if she ever had a sexual relationship with Degas. Her answer, as I'll quote, "with that little man,... heaven forbid no!" I didn't really understand the dramatization of her answer fully until one day at the antique expo in Portland I was lucky enough to find an oil painting on a old canvas board. The painting of a half naked woman with reddish brown hair sitting in a french looking chair sideways with her bear back exposed towards the viewers. There she sat with a blanket pulled up over her bear legs but not hiding her backside. There in front of her a Pissaro looking room dressing divider that she is facing as she is just sitting there as if looking into a mirror. The painting of the lady or should I say a rather big ass woman,.. I really do believe is of Mary Cassatt. It was painted by Degas himself, and not signed for ones to read readily, but you just might say signed in that blanket that is covering up his own little ass.
After saying all this, let's use our artistic eyes and try and see what he really painted. I must say it totally amazed me when I seen it. Now if you should happen to see it as I do,... well,... you had better be expecting the same kind of amazement.
Please don't hurt me! Maybe Degas was Jack The Ripper?
The painting pretty much describes her own statement, while Degas is making a rather large artistic statement of his own. Now if you look to the right of the white box in at just the brighter orange you can almost read the name Cassatt. Now if you can and were able to see Degas smiling at you, possibly you'll be able to count about six of his front teeth. Jee whiz, I wonder what he would be smiling about?
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