Durer self-portrait as a young man and the artist that he was.
I myself do not believe Durer would have painted his thumb in the way it is shown. Only a blind donky ass copier would have made this error.
You can see with your own eyes what some expert may have done to this portrait. The owner may have taking it to their establishment for his or her own opinion and thoughts of who might have been the artist. That pretty much sums up most MFA expert's own mentalities as for as I'm concerned. If this work of art was in my possession at that time when something like this happened to it, what would be your own opinion and thoughts of what might happen to the one doing this to this painting?
The MFA expert that scratch right through the artists eyes and down the front of this portrait then handing it back to its owner more than likely did not get any reprisal from the owner other than a statement of what do you think you are doing? That painting happens to belong to me was probably said before leaving their establishment. I would haft to say myself who ever it was who did this more than likely already has recieved their just reward from the looks of those suspicious eyes. Those eyes kind of remind me a little of Dirty Harry's eyes and probably of getting even.
One time this painting was in a prominent collection with the old red wax or hardened substance for the owners seal or sheild of ownership. You can see where someone in the past had cut it down in size and at one time the painting itself looks to have been nailed to a wall.
What do you think? That a pretty shitty looking thumb unless it happened to be Durer's rolled up glove with the real bare thumb wrapped around it.
Now what would anyone with a half a brain think happened here? Are you starting to see why Rembrandt and Vincent had so much contempt against MFA expertise?
Come on Grandpa, what kind of a beastly looking dog is that? Is he a lion dog, or just resting his head? Go faster Grandpa and get me to that potty over there before I do something you wouldn't like down your neck.
An Etching of Christ by Albrecht Durer
This drawing of the 16th century lady is on the back side of the top self-portrait of himself with the little round castle to his right, in other words this is a two-sided drawing. One asks one self, why in the world wouldn't the artist sign this self portrait? Well, I'd say it's like this,... people asking this question would be similar to ones asking what was it that intrigued Rembrandt so much about this 16th century German artist.
An Etching of Christ by Albrecht Durer
This picture of the Etching of Christ by Albrecht Durer is a little blurry.
Nice! I do like the way the copying artist of this etching figured out in his own mind, if his thumb was bare,.... it had to come from somewhere.
Oh Christ,... that's not a hole in his glove! It's his other thumb from his UN-gloved hand coming around the bare thumb protruding out of the gloved hand. Damn those blind ass donkey eared MFA copiers who can't see or tell the difference of a glove hanging from his gloved hand thinking it might have been his thumb. F-N unbelievable! What is even more not- believable is how the MFA experts can't see or tell the difference either!
Oh hell,.. they have the signature up high on the window sill! I guess they will just have to cut the etchings and painting down just showing the tops of his knuckles when others start questioning these aspects of these supposed self-portraits.
Just remember one thing, the MFA expexts never look at thumbs.
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