I have been a art collector art for over 35 years, and now planning on selling a few important pieces of of my collection. I find it is impossible to get the price that I would haft to have for the works of art if sold by a nationally known auction house, due to this worlds MFA expertise that is available. Bookmark this site for details on sales of art work, for you can save a lot of money by being a percentage partner if you choose. Some have been in my collection for years now and will stay if not agree upon price or partnership. Most were acquired pieces bought on the Internet with-in the last 12 years. I do not plan to quit making new purchases, that is if I like what I see, and the price is right. I do have a supposed copy of this lovely portrait of Durer I bought on the internet below of this same portrait presently hanging at the Prado museum in Madrid, Spain.
In this painting above just maybe Durer had a deformed hand, or possibly had a complete mind fade of how to paint hands. Maybe he painted his own hands just as you see them, possibly saying to himself,... there,.. that should puzzle the hell out of these copiers, along with the MFA experts, including the viewers of the future. I'll just call these hands finished, .... and if they happen to see this garbage now, there goes my painting career! If this statement is not true,.. then I would say Durer didn't paint that portrait painting,... no way in hell.
After looking at these hands of Durer, and comparing to others, you could probably ask yourself,.....now how is it possible that the other paintings of Durer's could not be in this same category, ones that have made it by MFA expertise's sureties of hands on inspections and expertise.
Can most of you see how a copyist would think they were looking at a thumb,... instead of that rolled up glove that is off his left hand and held by his right hand?

Does these pictures show us the correct age of this work of art, or is this something we just have to forget about and ignore.

These pictures show us the correct age of this work of art through these craquelure that are in this work of art. Are we to accept that they are something we just have to ignore for them even being there? I do have to mention the good work of MFA expertise,.. presumably done by one MFA expert who was responsible for this scratch right through the middle of this portrait.
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